I've been keeping busy with pet sitting (with a little hand spindling, too). Thanksgiving is a busy time of year as you imagine. This year is mostly cat sitting. It is kind of interesting how every year is different.
If you want more timely updates, look at my facebook updates. I update it a little more frequently.
Farset is now 13 months old. She is doing the obnoxious, adolescent thing right now. She is very mouthy and chews up a number of things including some felted slippers that I made (from knitty.com http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEwinter02/PATTfuzzyfeet.html). My sister gave me a beautiful merino sweater that had been accidently washed and dried. It is now tiny, so I gave it to Farset as a chew toy. She has really enjoyed it. It is now missing a significant number of pieces.
Farset is now up to 155 pounds. Even Lagan didn't weight that much at her age. I figure that she is going to be bigger than he is. As it is, her rear end is taller than his is. I expect that she will be taller than he is.
I've been hand spindling (using a hand spindle) the merino fiber that I created at the end of Deb Menz's color class. I've spindled all of it. I am in the process of plying it now. It is primarily purple. I've been really pleased with how it is turning out.
Thinking of you.